Недавно наткнулся на апргейд брони в каком то сайте, но она оказалось на английском языке. Сделал русификацию и решил выложить, так как подобного на этом сайте не встречал. Идет только на 4 патче, на 6-ом вылетает при загрузке сохранений. Скачать Скриншоты:
Сообщение отредактировал Mirage - Понедельник, 23.09.2013, 22:45
!!!!! IMPORTANT: If you have the same suit, and you are upgrading it the same way as your other one, it might disappear! So don't hold 2 same suits in the inventory, either drop it or store it in the stashes before upgrading.
After upgrading, the suit is removed from the main slot, you need to equip it again.
The author of the original mod said that sometimes you can get negative money, but I personaly never experienced that.
To prevent any other unexpected bugs/disappearances, it's smart to save before upgrading.
Changelist since 1.0:
1) Fixed crashes
2) Missing suits (military armored and ecolog green) added
3) Removed low rank suit upgrades (bandit-novice-dolg-freedom light-monolit-killer outfits), because it was rather unrealistical to upgrade such stuff, because it is cheaper to buy a better suit. Plus, mechanics don't want to waste their time for something like that, right? These suits can still be repaired.
4) Changed upgrade conditions (you don't need to repair suit which is in perfect condition before upgrading anymore)
5) Repair price is lower
6) Translated and added missing texts in English (PSY protection is telepathy in vanilla, you can change it into PSY protection by editing text files. It also seems to be misaligned in inventory, but that is vanilla bug, as no suits have telepahy protection in vanilla).
ui_icon_equipment is from ZRP 1.07, so there is no need to merge in icons for that.
This mod is really easy to merge in with anything else, as it does not include any lines in bind_stalker or any other scripts, which are often used by other mods.
You can change the NPC's who have the repair/upgrade dialog, so you can create new important NPC's, and make them mechanics, instead of having traders repair everything.
Included all.spawn can be used to test suits, it spawns them in the inventory, and actor already spawns with 99999 RU. Don't use this for real game. There is no need to merge all.spawn, as it does not include anything else, it's there just for easier testing.
Maxxuta, надо адаптировать пару файлов, ничего сложного нет.
Добавлено (23.09.2013, 22:15) --------------------------------------------- Просто проверь, если файлы из этого мода не пересекаются с тем модом, то можно и без адаптации.