saxar, какое качество лодов ты выбрал? Если hq, то будешь ждать еще пару дней. Самое простое: при декомпиляции мапы пропиши в бат-файле ключ -with_lods. После проблем не будет, и с другими картами тоже, т.к на Затоне есть почти все оригинальные деревья.
А кстати вопросик вспомнил Декомпилировал кордон расставил на нем новые деревья, и при проверке сцены жалуеться на отсуцтвие лодов. Хотя деревья из ЗП ничего нового. Ах-да если ничего не ставить все компилируеться нормально...
demover123, я вот хочу поставить например кровать ,вот я поставил ,начинаю компилировать карту и тут у меня она не компилируется из-за этого объекта.Как поставить новый объект правильно и чтоб карта закомпилировалась?
Добавлено (23.05.2013, 15:26) --------------------------------------------- Вот короче лог ошибки: *ERROR: Scene has '156' non associated face! - scene object: 'statics\ograda\ston_zabor_01' [O:'statics\ograda\ston_zabor_01', M:'ston_zabor_01'] Validation FAILED! ERROR: Validation failed. Invalid scene.
Подскажите, что я не правильно делаю. В сдк 04 на локации warlab добавили одного нпс, 1 walk и look. Потом build, make game & make ai-map. Запустил xrLC, 1aimap_3116, 3levelgraph_3116, 4graphm_3116 и... словил вылет:
* New phase started: Processing level graphs ! There is no cross table for the level l01_escape! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l02_garbage! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l03_agroprom! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l03u_agr_underground! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l04u_labx18! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l05_bar! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l06_rostok! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l08_yantar! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l08u_brainlab! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level monster_tests! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level jim_agro! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level stohe_selo! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level ai_test! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level ai_test2! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level jim_dark! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_test! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level $debug$\y_selo! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_al_test! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_al_test2! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l07_military! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level krondor_selo! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level zmey_selo2! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level zmey_test2! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_lab! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level slipch_selo! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_ai_test! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level ivan_test! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l01_escape_ph_test! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l02_garbage_ai! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l03u_agroprom_ai! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l04u_labx18_proba! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l07_military_proba! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l10_radar! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l17_radar_underground_ai! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l12_stancia_2ch_proba! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l12_stancia_1ch_proba! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l18_pripyat_ai! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level selo2! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l11_pripyat! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level vovan_test! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l04u_labx18_oles! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l04u_labx18_test! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level k01_darkscape_ct! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l24_sarcofag_mental! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_test1! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level chugai_test2! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level selo3! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l12_stancia! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level wik_selo! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l08u_brainlab_ai! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l04_darkvalley_ai! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level agro_under! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l23_soznanie_ai! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level doc_test! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level plecha_selo! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l04_darkvalley_ct! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level ai_test_new! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l12u_sarcofag! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level stason_test! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level bar_arena! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level koan_test! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l07_military_test! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level haron_selo_towers! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l17_radar_underground_r! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l06_rostok_demo! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l05_bar_hw! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l03_agroprom_hw! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no ai-map for the level l03u_agr_underground_hw! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l12u_control_monolith! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no cross table for the level l12_stancia_2! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no graph for the level marsh! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no graph for the level zaton! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no graph for the level jupiter! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no graph for the level pripyat! (level is not included into the game graph) ! There is no graph for the level cs_agroprom_underground! (level is not included into the game graph) level 5 l04_darkvalley ***STOP*** file 'P:\xrAI\xr_graph_merge.cpp', line 111. ***Reason***: *** Assertion failed *** Expression: l_tpCrossTable->header().level_guid() == l_tpAI_Map->header().guid() cross table doesn't correspond to the AI-map, rebuild graph! ***STOP*** file '(null)', line 0. ***Reason***: *** Internal Error *** Saved dump file to 'logs\xrSE_Factory_Ins_05-24-13_11-11-17.mdmp'
П.С. Конфиги в геймдате не менял. 1aimap_3116 и 3levelgraph_3116 поздравили с таймом 00:00:00
ins33, А зачем тебе ради жалкого НПС и 2-ух вейпоинтов перекомпиливать локу? Достаточно только нажать "Make Game" и далее запустить батник create_spawn.cmd (предварительно его нужно изменить, записать туда локацию, сам поймёшь наверно). И всё. Уходит примерно 2-3 минуты, а то и меньше.
Gaz1k, Это первые эксперименты в сдк. Нпс добавил для теста. В конечном варианте мне надо в Баре добавить аи сетку, и в Логове лайт.
Если переделать локу из мода, то надо ли оставлять остальные локи в game_graphs.ltx game_levels.ltx и game_maps_single.ltx, или достаточно оставить локу которую изменил.
ins33, Если ты локации из мода хочешь "склеить" с оригинальными, то достаточно в оригинальных "трёх конфигах" эти локации дописать. Если изменяешь АИ-сетку, то в СДК надо сделать Make AI-Map и Make Game (насчёт последнего точно не уверен надо или нет, потому что всегда так делаю "на всякий пожарный"), потом компилить АИ-сетку, левел-граф, гейм-граф и спавн. И смотря какой лайт. Если именно Light, то надо перекомпилировать полностю всё. А если просто повесил лампу, то достаточно скомпилить спавн. Хотя, есть лампы, которые используют статику и Light.