S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Chernobyl - это фриплейный мод состоящий из локаций всех трех частей S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Основными изменениями являются: - переработанные локации за авторством Bangalore и Borovos - переделанный AI за авторством Alundaio - полностью измененная погода - переработана система работы gulag - измененный A-Life - полностью заселенные уровни
If Darryl and you had problem with the team, is it a good reason to leak the mod?
Except we never had any. We've actually been the ones who have shown greatest undying loyalty to the mod and its development process. If you haven't noticed from any of my posts I made during the fiasco, I said that I removed everything CoC-related - files, patches and the installer, from my computer, to prevent anything from happening on my part. It's LA-tier bullshit all over again.
Сообщение отредактировал Koma - Воскресенье, 02.08.2015, 11:43
На самом дело очень жаль что случилось такое фиаско. CoC я очень ждал и надеялся поиграть в него в полную версию, но как я понял, когда у Алунадио остынет место чуть ниже спины, он вряд ли будет продолжать работу на модом
The leak build is not a good example of your work. It's mainly stable but not perfect. Alundiao is correcting errors on the last build as he did several changes.
Сообщение отредактировал Borovos - Воскресенье, 02.08.2015, 12:17
Все, кто верил моим словам о Call of Chernobyl и ждал этот мод - можете пиздить меня палками.
Сегодня кто-то "слил" мод, и после "слива" Алундаио и Бангалор забанили у себя на сайте всех, кто когда-либо был замечен на форчане.
А на самом деле слив - это ебучее дельфинье порно. *****, вы понимаете? Кто-то ради шутки запилил инсталлер на файлообменник. После установки вы в папке видите сталкеровские файлы. Но это дельфинье порно на самом деле. ДБ-файлы - это просто блять закодированные гигабайты дельфиньего порно.
Но 80% команды разработки на форуме разработчиков забанено, тестеры распущены, Алун жмется как пёсий анус и всех игнорит.
****** просто, ну его нахуй такой моддинг. Если все вернется в круги своя - я вам сообщу, а пока - забудьте ***** о таком моде как Call of Chernobyl.
Короче, объяснения происходящего вокруг Call of Chernobyl от уже бывшего его тестера - Koma.
Все началось с того, что я и пара моих друзей решили подшутить над анонами из /sg/, и для этого мы создали величайшую шутку современности - мы скинули трехгиговый инсталлятор на файлообменник. Я взял части программы инсталляции CoC, чтобы было правдоподобнее, в инсталляторе врубил запрос пароля.
После того, как я это запостил, я еще час развлекался с анонами, которые пытались отгадать пароль. Пароль от инсталлятора который устанавливал 3 гигабайта отборного дельфиньего порно, вы уже сами знаете.
Но вся ***** произошла вовсе нп из-за этой шутки, скажу даже больше - смеялись и Алун и Бангалор.
Но неожиданно кто-то закинул в тред ссылку на настоящий CoC. Даже несмотря на то, что она была убрана через 5 минут, началось настоящее пиздецовое шоу. Алун баттхертнул и мгновенно забанил всех из дев-тимы, кто сидел в форчановском /sg/. То есть, 80% людей из разработки.
Мы не знаем, кто все слил. Единственные подозрения есть по поводу тестера под именем Baham, он сидел в дэвчате на момент слива (помимо его там был Алун, Бангалор, я и Дэррил).
Вся вина была скинута на меня, на Дэррила, а потом и на всех. Итого 30 тестеров теперь уволены.
Видимо, ребята совсем не учатся на ошибках других. Так, например, эта ситуация очень напоминает Lost Alpha, которую разработчики CoC безумно ненавидят, лол.
You may have noticed in an earlier post that the TeamEPIC which is behind Call of Chernobyl went mad after a "leak" with dolphin porn has been released. This is not entirely true, I am here to clear up some of the information and tell you some facts.
So basically the CoC installer with dolphin porn was a purposefully fake leak that Alundaio was aware of and actually acknowledged, BUT it wasn't the reason why everyone got banned in the first place - we all had a good laugh at it, but that's not where the story started.
The installer was basically made by me + a friend, he basically had an idea for a ruse and i liked it, then I threw him some images and RTF files. When it was posted, I was playing with other people for around an hour until they have guessed the password that you had to type in during the installation and then they ended up with 3 gigabytes of dolphin porn - Everybody in the dev team laughed the fuck out at this, 4chan got trolled hard, everything was alright.
The actual moment when they snapped and banned everyone, was when someone posted MEGA hashes for CoC repositories which in themselves were completely useless and without the rest of the link they were just treated as gibberish - and so, nobody cared. Except TeamEPIC. These hashes have been swiftly recognized by us to be CoC repos. We removed and replaced them in less than a few minutes, but this led to a massive autismal overreaction from TeamEPIC anyway.
Alundaio and Bangalore basically permabanned everyone who browses 4chan from the forums, took away tester privileges from everyone but a few individuals, removed us from all possible CoC-related groups (even the one on ModDB) and revoked our access to bugtracker and the git repository.
Everybody got cracked down and the blame has been shifted to me and Darryl, another tester I am well acquainted with. But we didn't do it - the only big guess is Bamah who was there when it was all happening - The only people around were, Alundaio, Bangalore, Bamah, Darryl and Me. Nobody of us would've even think about leaking CoC, even though, shit just happened.
Another theory is that Alundaio or Bangalore false-flagged the leak so they could find an excuse to get rid of all the testers and finish CoC themselves. Either the higher-ups in TeamEPIC clearly didn't learn anything from the Lost Alpha fiasco or they're blatantly repeating it on purpose, but one thing is for sure - This will NOT end well.
There have been 30 testers over the time, most of them browse 4chan too. If they'll look at what's happening right now, they will just snap - and this will result in a leak. Seeing how everything is slowly going to shit, it is completely inevitable. But I won't be the one who'll do it - I have destroyed my own copy of CoC to ensure that I'll still have some honor left in myself.
Because of something that was barely noticeable, TeamEPIC damage-controlled itself into a corner and lots of people who genuinely cared about CoC are now permanently banned from the development.
I will do my best to keep you updated on the eventual fate of CoC.
We just saw the entire chat between Felinix and Alundaio and how he treats the team especially Darryl and Koma. We're neither of the three. We're different people entirely. Alundaio naturally will jump to conclusions anyway so I don't really care.
We'll have you know that we will defend the entire beta testing team that was treated with disrespect and essentially fucked over, Koma and Darryl included. It's even more disgusting that Swartz had to intervene to get them unbanned from the forums, but that's just it. They were merely unbanned, not reinstated. Alundaio keeps throwing accusations left and right, be it Koma, Darryl, Felinix or Bamah.
This is from TeamEPIC's chat, Alundaio has just pruned it and now all this information is lost, but thankfully we kept it backed up in real time. http://pastebin.com/9UKqurpG
We're the Men Who Sold the World, and we really wanted to avoid this. We were discussing this over the past 24 hours, who the true mastermind behind all of this was, what were his motives and so on. We came to the conclusion that there's only two possibilities. One, the less probably one, is that a disgruntled tester posted it. But then we asked ourselves, why would that person do that? Not only were the hashes incomplete (and no, just pasting mega.co.nz in front of them was not enough) and missing multiple characters in front which would have to be guessed or bruteforced and even then it would take a lot of time and processing power to do it, but someone who wished to leak it would definitely post the full links from get go and not try to make a post that nobody even noticed. That's when we came to the second conclusion that it was an inside job, from the CoC team themselves. Probably Alundaio, Bangalore and their inner circle of 20% remaining testers that were NOT removed. That's right, contrary to what Alundaio said he didn't remove the entire team. In fact, most people who were removed have been inactive for months. This was house cleaning pure and simple. They were confident they're at a stage in which they no longer need testers, or perhaps didn't like the negative reputation of people like Koma. Either way, they wanted them gone and the Dolphin porn was the perfect opportunity. To make it even more interesting, did you know that the entire TeamEPIC was "in" on the whole thing? That's right, Koma asked Alundaio for permission to give the bitmaps and rtf documents to his friend so they could make a fake but legitimate looking installer, and he agreed. Now why would he do that, less than 2 hours before pruning his own testers, hmm?
And finally, we come to this. Most of you probably don't even care about the information we just released and only care about what we're about to give you. Personally neither of us care anymore, what we DO care about however is you being able to see how broken CoC truly is. As such, we're presenting you the full complete 1.0.83 build of the game, along with patches 1.0.84 and 1.0.85. As a bonus we're throwing in OWR Lite build created specifically for 1.0.83, it should be easy to update it for 1.0.85. You will now get to see how unstable this is, how often it crashes and how broken the renderer is.
You will also witness that Alundaio was too busy striking a deal with SirGay to include a (simple) DRM that checks if you have Call of Pripyat installed before even allowing you to install CoC. The DRM can easily be circumvented by the way and there will be a follow up post including installation instructions.
To the people most likely to try and take down the link, don't bother, we've already made multiple backups that we can post the second this goes down.
If people here actually have any more questions about what transpired behind the scenes, we will be here to answer your questions.
To install, you will either need CoC installed, or this simple registry trick. https://mega.co.nz/#!4odH1....oJK5xS0 This will add information to your registry that CoP is installed, allowing you to use the CoC installer. You can open it with Notepad and see the contents for yourselves if you think there's anything nefarious in it.
After that, you can proceed with CoC install as follows. First install the full build 1.0.83. After that, you can either stay on that build and drop OWR Lite Addon on top of it, or you can patch it with 1.0.84 patch followed by 1.0.85 patch. Patch 1.0.85 is NOT cumulative, you will need 1.0.84 in place first.
It seems the one known as Alundaio keeps on trying to pin the blame on others. We're the people who leaked this, the Men Who Sold the World. As far as we're concerned it seems we truly don't exist because certain individuals do everything in their power to pin our achievements on others. There's some things we can tell you about ourselves, there's two of us, no more, no less and both of us are responsible for this entire leak. We're Americans and regulars on metal gear general on /vg/ board of 4chan. You may remember how Ground Zeroes for PS3 leaked 3 weeks ahead of release date and how few hours later certain someone ripped the files from it, includnig the infamous Chico/Paz rape tape audio. That was done by us as well. We're not and never have been at any point in time member of CoC's development or testing team. For us it started a few days ago when we grew impatient and decided to grab CoC for ourselves.
We started poking at TeamEPIC's forum to see if there's any possible way to exploit holes in their security. Funny enough, we found one. It allowed us to grab an account of a tester, we won't name him however we can say that he didn't seem like an active person based on his post history. It allowed us access to testing build and as such we grabbed what was at that time latest - 1.083 RC We played around with it, sadly we were disappointed since it was far from stable (and included a very simple registry "DRM" check too), it also had some very critical bugs left which were ironically were easy to fix - some took quite literally mere seconds to do so. And so we played and watched, over the course of the week two patches rolled in as well as a version of OWR3 tailored specifically for build 1.0.83 however it's unfinished from what we've seen of it.
This is where things get interesting, few days ago a tester named Koma announced on the TeamEPIC forums he was going to create a fake CoC installer with some friends which would contain aquatic mammal pornography - namely dolphins. Said installer was released in stalker general on /vg/ board of 4chan and a lot of people fell for it. Merely 30 minutes or so after people found out that they were duped something peculiar happened. Somebody made a post, that for all intents and purposes, looked like complete and utter gibberish. Even we assumed that it was probably an encrypted message. Minutes later it turns out Alundaio supposedly got rid of the entire team due to a leak. What everyone took as gibberish were actually key hashes to CoC's MEGA repository, however the hashes were... INCOMPLETE. That's right, they were quite literally useless, they were missing a few characters (and no we aren't talking about the standard mega.co.nz part of the link). Even if somebody were to figure out what they were, that person would also need to guess about 4-6 characters that were missing, either that or bruteforce it, but that's still a lot of combinations and basically makes no sense to put so much effort (and processing power AND TIME) to get to the bottom of it. All that essentially means there was no leak, at least at that point in time.
We kept observing all the drama that unfolded and what happened next was someone apparently reporting this so called leak to the CoC dev team. But something was clearly not right, all the blame from ground zero was being pinned on specific testers, Koma and Darryl show up the most, there were also other people under consideration like someone named Bamah. Then we saw more inconsistencies in what Alundaio did. He claimed to get rid of all the testers while in reality a small number of them were left intact since their accounts still have beta tester group status for some reason. There was also another troubling aspect, Alundaio making a public topic detailing how supposedly the game is almost finished and very stable and relatively bug free which is a blatant lie. We've been playing it the past few days and we can safely say that CoC in the current form is neither stable nor relatively bug free.
We couldn't bear to sit back any longer and watch more injustice be dealt upon the testers. Some of them were among the only testers who essentially gave a fuck and reported issues. There was quite a lot of testers from what we could see but vast majority of them were actually inactive. Another thing that Alundaio is lying about is how Koma was the only one capable of sharing the .reg file. Anyone with even an ounce of a brain can make a simple .reg file so saying it could only have been made by one specific person is laughable at best. Not to mention instructions on how to make one were provided long before the leak itself. Saying that the mod development won't be affected by getting rid of the most active members of the QA team and internal drama is just... well we won't even bother commenting on that.
Now that CoC is out in the open everyone can see how truly (NOT) stable and bugfree it is and hopefully people will be able to draw their own conclusions from all of this. Listen to what Alundaio has to say, listen to what we did, consider the facts, test CoC and then feel free to decide.
We will keep on roaming around and chime in from time to time should we feel the need for that.
Сообщение отредактировал Koma - Вторник, 04.08.2015, 09:57